Precast Concrete specialist
At Aus-Precast, we believe that customer service is everything and with this in mind, our primary goal on every job we undertake is to meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.
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At Aus-Precast, we believe that customer service is everything and with this in mind, our primary goal on every job we undertake is to meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.
Aus-Precast is a Perth based company specialising in made to order precast and modular concrete. Aus-Precast is client focussed, driven from a strong history in both process and non-process design practices, mutli functional plant and process facilities. We believe a strong and healthy relationship with cliental and stakeholders at all project phases are critical to a successful outcome.
Aus-Precast is committed to industry excellence, low project interface, manufacturing and supply of quality precast concrete products.
Precast concrete is our specialty and yes we make to order.
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